Pretty Little

I work up this morning in a wonderful mood, happy as a lark, excited about what a new day could bring.

Then I turned on the TV. Big mistake! Enormous mistake! There to my dismay was news casters telling about the death of marines in Afghanistan. After a year of no deaths, we have dozens in one day due to the ineptness of the pestilence in Washington DC.

I hung my head in shame. Listening to what was being said, I began to wonder if America has finally moved into the abyss and there is no coming back.

Is this our pretty little mess that we may never recover from?

I began to pray and in my intermost being, I heard:

If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face and TURN from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and come heal their land.

I’m praying. I want our land healed! I want America to be the land of the free, home of the brave and welcome God back into our schools, our churches, our government.

Does anyone else want that too?🌅

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