
A word taken off the pages of a book that people ignore most of the time. What is your point of reference that you adore? Is it the phone in your hand that you so involved with most of time, adoring every little FB post everyone writes to you; or is it the cute littleContinue reading “Adoration”


I have been quilting lately. It soothes my mind and makes my heart soar to the heavenly places where God sits quietly watching everything I do, say, think, and muddle over. As I designed this particular quilt, I used pieces left over from other quilts I had designed and save scraps. I wonder if IContinue reading “Quiltin”

Beautiful Couple?

I saw a beautiful couple today and I smiled as I watched them talk….about the future, a place they had never been before. A place I had come from, to study the ones on their way to there. They are so cute together. . . Her eyes clear and shining with happiness, her dark hairContinue reading “Beautiful Couple?”

An Open Letter shared…

An Open Letter to Colin Kaepernick, Dear Colin guess you have been pretty busy these last few days. For the record I don’t think any more or less of you for not standing for the National Anthem. Honestly, I never thought that much about you, or any professional athlete for that matter, to begin with.Continue reading “An Open Letter shared…”


Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shallContinue reading “Blessed”

Pretty Little

I work up this morning in a wonderful mood, happy as a lark, excited about what a new day could bring. Then I turned on the TV. Big mistake! Enormous mistake! There to my dismay was news casters telling about the death of marines in Afghanistan. After a year of no deaths, we have dozensContinue reading “Pretty Little”

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